Our LAMDA Community

Unlock performance and communication skills with online tuition,
on-demand videos, and amazing resources!

1:1 Online Lessons With Experienced LAMDA Tutors

Our team of tutors boasts high-level industry experience and 30+ years of collective expertise teaching LAMDA Exams. Many of our tutors trained at LAMDA's prestigious drama school, and continue to work professionally, bringing first-class knowledge to every lesson. Their dedication and proficiency have led to incredible results for our students, empowering them to excel in their LAMDA exams and beyond!

Access High Quality
On-Demand Videos

Our high-quality on-demand videos offer comprehensive coverage of performance and communication skills tailored to the LAMDA syllabi. Whether you're focused on Speaking Verse & Prose, Acting, or Speaking in Public, our expertly crafted videos provide detailed instruction and practical tips. Perfect for learners at any stage, these resources help build confidence and competence in all aspects of performance and public speaking.

An Industry Leading Learner Dashboard

Our pioneering learner dashboard is designed to let students, guardians and tutors connect in a safeguarded environment. Learners can effortlessly track their progress and achievements, instant message their tutor, log in to lessons, access valuable resources, book extra sessions, and find answers to commonly asked questions. Our unique centralised platform ensures that all the tools and support your need to achieve your best are just a click away!

"My daughter is absolutely buzzing with how great her lesson was today - she said it was brilliant!"

"My daughter is absolutely buzzing with how great her lesson was today - she said it was brilliant!"

"It's transformed her competence at public speaking as well as a love of literature and drama!"

"It's transformed her competence at public speaking as well as a love of literature and drama!"

"One of the most gifted tutors I've come accross"

"I've improved my grades so much!"

"One of the most gifted tutors I've come accross" "I've improved my grades so much!"

"She couldn’t be happier! We are all screaming at the results - we are super proud of her!"

"She couldn’t be happier! We are all screaming at the results - we are super proud of her!"







Students in academic year 2023/2024

Meet the tutors

CALUM | Founder

BEL | Tutor
Acting, Verse & Prose

Acting, Verse & Prose

Acting, Verse & Prose

LAURA | Tutor
Acting, Verse & Prose, Speaking In Public, PCertLAM

JAMIE | Tutor:
Acting, Verse & Prose, Speaking In Public

Arrange a call with Calum to find out more

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

  • 09 Sept - 26 Oct (7 weeks)
    27 Oct - 03 Nov (half term)
    04 Nov - 07 Dec (5 weeks)

    EXAM DATE: 08 December

    New students can join any time!

  • 06 January - 15 February (6 weeks)
    16 February - 23 February (half term)
    24 February - 05 April (6 weeks)

    EXAM DATE: 06 April

    New students can join any time!

  • £300 for 12 x 30 min classes
    (or £25 a week)

    £450 for 12 x 45 min classes
    (or £37.50 a week)

    £600 for 12 x 60 min classes
    (or £50 a week)

    Subsidised places available!

  • If you’ve taken a LAMDA Exam before and know what Grade you’re working towards then we recommend the following:

    • 30 mins (Grades 1 - 3)

    • 45 mins (Grades 4 - 8)

    • 60 mins (Grades 6 - 8)

    If you’ve never taken a LAMDA Exam before then, as a rough guideline, we recommend starting with:

    • Under 11’s => 30 mins

    • 11+ => 45 mins

    But, don’t worry! You can always adjust once lessons begin!

Enquire about lessons

Frequently Asked Quesions:

About LAMDA Exams

  • LAMDA is the UK’s largest Ofqual regulated speech and drama awarding body. LAMDA Examinations have a reputation for excellence across the globe, and are recognised by all further education establishments. All "Level 3" qualifications (Grades 6 - 8) earn learners UCAS points for their university applications. And, more importantly, preparing for and taking the exams provides students with incredibly valuable experience as performers and communicators.

  • LAMDA divides its exams into two main categories: "Performance" and "Communication". Acting is a "Performance" exam. Speaking Verse & Prose and Speaking in Public are both "Communication" exams.  All three exams have an element of performing/communicating and a theory ("Knowledge") element. The communication exams are focused on translating the meaning and mood of a text, honouring the author's intentions; the Acting exam is focused on representing what a character is thinking and feeling. All the exams develop vocal and physical skills and build confidence.

  • LAMDA Exams divides their assessments into nine grades (Entry Level to Grade 8). Any student can start at any grade depending on their experience and skill level. Generally speaking, the exams are age-appropriate; younger learners begin with entry Entry Level and students in the mid/late-teens taking higher grades. Each grade has a different assessment criteria, theory work (or "knowledge") and pieces to be prepared. Learners are awarded either a "pass", "merit" or "distinction" for each grade that they take.

  • Grades 6 - 8 earn learners UCAS points which can be useful when applying for university. A "pass" at Grade 6 will earn learners 8 UCAS points, whereas a "distinction" at Grade 8 will earn learners 30 UCAS points. Not all universities accept UCAS points but all will recognise the dedication, diligence and skills required to achieve a LAMDA "Level 3" qualification. You can read more about UCAS points on the LAMDA website: https://www.lamda.ac.uk/lamda-exams/learners/ucas

  • If the learner has taken a LAMDA exam before we will continue onto the following grade. If the learner is new to the LAMDA Exams then we'll make an assessment in your "taster" lesson and recommend an appropriate grade to start working towards. 

About LAMDA Lessons

  • Between 30 - 60 mins - but, it depends on each student! Some students prefer to have longer sessions and some prefer to have shorter ones. Generally speaking we think that 30 min lessons are appropriate for Grades 1 - 3; 45 min lessons are appropriate for Grades 4 - 5; 60 min lessons are appropriate for Grades 6 - 8.

  • This varies student to student - students with lots of extracurricular activities might find that they need to prepare over a longer period of time than a student who’s able to dedicate more time to rehearsing/homework each week. We anticipate Learners working on Grades 1 - 3 will need 1/2 Terms (12-24 lessons) and Learners working on Grades 4 - 8 will need 2/3 Terms (24-36 lessons).

  • Yes - we try to offer some in-person lessons in London each term so that you’re able to “top-up” your regular online classes. They come at an additional cost and spaces are limited but we do our best to make time available for those who’d like it! We’ll send out an email towards the start of each term with all the details you need to book.

  • Each week we send out email reminders about your next Weekly LAMDA Lesson – in that email you’ll find all the links you need to rearrange your session based on your tutors availability. We give you 72 hours (3 days) from that reminder to let us know if you need to cancel or rearrange your lessons. After that time the lesson will be charged for even if you’re unable to attend. Of course, if you’re ill or there’s an emergency we’ll do our best to help!

  • You commit to a Term of Lessons that can be paid for Termly or Weekly, depending on what's best for you! For a full 12 week term the lesson costs are:

    • £300 for 12 x 30 min lessons
      (or £25 a week)

    • £450 for 12 x 45 min lessons
      (or £37.50 a week)

    • £600 for 12 x 60 min lessons
      (or £50 a week)

    We have a small number of subsidised places available.